Welcome to the new blog!

Welcome to Nekekur Watches Symphogear!

On the upside, I nabbed this shiny new blog to post episode reactions, since tumblr isn't the best for hosting long-form posts like that.

On the downside, I gotta figure out how the hell this website works.

Hang tight, I'll get the previous episode posts (all of Season 1 and the first 10 episodes of Season 2) re-uploaded here. Once that's done, I'm picking up where we left off with Season 2, Episode 11.

Links to episode reactions will also be posted to tumblr: nekekur2.tumblr.com. Follow me there to get notified of the latest updates. 

You can also find the FAQs and Episode List on tumblr, just click the links in the side pane of this blog.